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Smart Fire/Altair/Single/Twin Ignition Trigger


Price: NZ$125.00

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Smart Fire/Altair/True Fire Hall-Effect Ignition Trigger

Replacement or spare part.
As supplied in the following single/twin full ignition systems:

Altair single/twin (current systems):
  • AL2
  • ALB

Smart Fire single/twin (current systems):

  • PD1
  • PD1TP
  • PD2
  • PD2TP
  • PD90
  • PD90TP
  • PD180
  • PD180TP
  • PDMS1
  • PDMT1
  • PDMSV1
  • PDV1
  • PDVTP1
  • PDVTP2
  • PDVC1
Not compatible with Ducati V-Twin systems.


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